Get a FLOOD of New Students



You’re losing MASSES of STUDENTS

And it’s going to continue…

Unless you take action to STOP it!


Dear Educator,

Did you know that right now – this very moment – your potential students are
FLOCKING to your competitors in DROVES!

If only you could stop it, you’d see your registrations multiply EXPONENTIALLY…
by 5X… 10X… 15X… or MORE

You may even be aware of the problem… that is, you may be seeing empty seats in your classes and asking yourself “Why?”

On the other hand, you may see a fair number of students in your classroom, and be lulled into the false… and DANGEROUS… assumption that “Everything is OK.” You may not even be aware of just how many students you’re missing out on.


Be warned!!
…what you don’t know CAN hurt you!


There are loads of potential students looking for the exact training you offer, but YOU’RE NOT GETTING THEM! You’re getting only a FRACTION of them.


This very moment potential students are looking for YOU… but instead of finding you…

… they’re finding your COMPETITORS

Before they can register for your classes, they have to find you. And in this day and age, if you don’t have a prominent presence on the Internet, you’ll never get found.

If you’re marketing your services anywhere else, you’re just throwing your money away! These days, everybody uses the Internet to find what they’re looking for… don’t YOU?

But I can almost hear you thinking “What are you talking about? I have a website, isn’t that enough?”


No, no, NO…
Not even close!

Just having a website in not going to get you found! If your site is buried on page 10, page 5… or even page 2 of the search results… you may as well NOT EXIST!


So what’s the solution?


Get YOUR school listed where potential
students will find it… on PAGE ONE

… and your phone will be ringing off the hook!

Don’t you want YOUR piece of the pie?


Act NOW…

Let us prepare a FREE evaluation for you to examine.

We’ll look at…

  • Online search volume for the training you offer
  • Your website and its rankings
  • Your geographic location


Just Click Here to send us some basic information about your business, and we’ll prepare an honest, and realistic evaluation of the potential that exists to boost your registrations using the 21st century power of the Internet

Or call us TODAY for a free consultation (513 289-6133)

The Time to Act is NOW…

CLICK or CALL (513 289-6133) for your FREE evaluation.

It won’t cost you a cent… and there’s NO Obligation.

Investing a couple minutes of your time right now could result in an
EXPONENTIAL increase to your bottom line… 5X, 10X, 15X, or greater.


DON’T put this off!

Your competitors have been stealing YOUR students LONG ENOUGH…
… isn’t it time to MAKE IT STOP?

CLICK or CALL (513 289-6133) RIGHT NOW!



To your success!

Ben Hanania


Internet marketing expert, author, public speaker, business consultant


We can service only ONE client in any given niche, search term, and geographic area. Why? Because we don’t want our efforts to result in our clients competing against one another in the search results pages. We believe that would be just plain wrong!

That’s WHY you need to ACT RIGHT NOW before one of your competitors does.

CLICK HERE NOW for your free evaluation.