What can Flood of Students do for YOU? For starters, we’ll get you… well, a FLOOD of New Students… each and every month.
A Marketing System ON STEROIDS
Whether you realize it or not, you’re currently getting only a small fraction of the student registrations you could be getting. FOS we will not only increase your student registrations, but increase them many times over!
How do we do that?
First, we look at your location, the type of training you provide, the demand for that training, and your competition. Based on that information, we make a realistic assessment of the potential that exists for boosting your enrollments.
Would you like us to do an assessment for your school? Then go ahead and Click Here Right NOW – It’s FREE!
We then determine the approach that will deliver the best results, and implement that approach in a way that will multiply your enrollments exponentially. In one case we were able to boost our client’s enrollments by a whopping 18 TIMES her previous numbers!
Our company has been doing Internet marketing for years, and WE KNOW THE ROPES! There are already potential students looking for you online, even at this very moment. We know how to use the power of 21st century marketing techniques to GET YOU FOUND… instead of your competitors.
But we do a whole lot more than that!
Handling a FLOOD of New Calls
When your phone starts ringing off the hook with potential students interested in signing up for your classes, SOMEONE has to take all those calls!
If your prospect calls and can’t speak with a live person, then he/she will most likely become frustrated and just go somewhere else. After all, don’t YOU find recorded messages a big turn-off?
And when that happens, just where do you think that “somewhere else” will be? Why, to your competitors! 🙁
The simple fact of just getting to speak with a live human being will increase your enrollments immensely, in and of itself.
BUT… the problem is… who in the world has time to take all those calls and run a school at the same time?
Not to worry… we’ve got you covered!
We have a pool of call center agents to handle the flood of new calls, trained to answer your most asked questions, thus alleviating the problem of added overhead… AND lost enrollments!
But it gets even better!
Handling a MOUNTAIN of New Administrative Work!
Of COURSE you want more calls… more enrollments… more paying students… and MORE PROFITS! But all those DO have a downside… and that is, a humongous increase in the administrative work that has to be carried out to process those new students, handle all those enrollments, and so on.
We’ve got THAT covered too!!
FOS not only gets you more students. We also provide you a comprehensive software system to streamline the workflow once all those new students start pouring in.
Tied directly into your marketing program, our exclusive FOS Software runs all aspects of your business and greatly improves efficiency.
The result?
It Saves You TIME…
It Saves You HASSLE…
And It Saves You MONEY by reducing overhead
Here’s just a partial list of what our FOS Software does…
- Ties in with the website to accept electronic registrations and payments
- Creates a roster and class schedules
- Automatically updates the website with new schedules. or when classes are closed for registrations
- Has an eFile system to maintain all the student records
- Has a marketing module to “drip market” and upsell students with other offerings beyond their graduation date (Translation: More Profits!)
- Maintains a light accounting system
- Maintains an internal teacher and admin staff calendar
- Has SMS (Simple Messaging System) integration to text blast students
- Has an email system and tracking
- Allows mobile access for the administrator
- Includes a membership site to administer online classes and videos
- And lots, LOTS more…
So… Let’s Summarize the “FOS 3-Point System”
- Marketing that will SKYROCKET student registrations
- Call center agents to handle the FLOOD of New Calls
- Software to streamline your workflow, to save you time, hassle, frustration, and money
Where can you get all this?
ONLY at Flood of Students!
Why not call us today for a FREE consultation… NO obligation, NO high pressure sales pitch, and NO BULL!
Call 513-828-6200/p>
… or go to Contact Us